Chakra Divination® Readings
$99.00 – $249.00
Chakra Divination Readings – Chakra Divination® is an ancient method of intuitive evaluation, which is used to energize, balance and cleanse the seven major chakras. Even though it’s an ancient technique, it’s also new, unique and non-traditional when compared to conventional methods of chakra work. This method was given to me from the higher realms as a way to examine the chakras through the use of intuition to uncover problems, find a course of action and to obtain ultimate balance within each chakra. This benefits the person doing the reading on a spiritual level. The artwork and card meanings were also divinely guided. Chakra Divination®is a system you can use when your normal functioning energy flow feels disturbed. Through the use of the Chakra Divination® charts, spreads and cards you can understand how to focus on the chakras using your intuition and perform intuitive chakra reading for yourself and others. There are four different options for a Chakra Divination Reading as follows:
Four Card Chakra Spread is when I draw four cards to look at what’s going on within one chakra. The first card drawn is the chakra card that will be looked into. If you know which chakra you want me to specifically look into you can let me know on the form and I will select that card and intuitively draw the other three.
Lotus Petal Spread which is seven (7) cards. The Lotus Petal Spread looks into one chakra but gives two readings on that chakra.
Full Chakra Spread which is a 28 card reading. The Full Chakra Spread reading looks at all seven chakras and gives information about each one.
The Chakra Circle Spread reading is a thirty-two (32) card spread that looks at all seven chakras and gives information about each one to bring ultimate balance to the whole person. This reading is a more in-depth than the Full Chakra Spread reading.
Additional information
Select Your Reading: | Four Card Chakra Spread (Four Cards for One Chakra), Lotus Petal Spread (7 cards for Two Readings on One Chakra), Full Chakra Spread (28 Cards for All 7 Chakras), Chakra Circle Spread (32 Cards for all Seven Chakras) |