Since there have been quite a few requests, I’m including my current schedule. During the following radio shows I’ll discuss all things paranormal, psychic and metaphysical. If you have questions you want answered just call in. During the workshop you can post questions and check back for responses at your convenience.
If you would like to schedule me for your radio show or other event, please send me an email. While I’m the National Paranormal Examiner and am in all of Examiner’s sixty markets, I’m located in South Florida.
November 26, 2008 – 7:00 PM Eastern Time – Voices in the NYGHT on Blog Talk Radio. The show’s call in number is (646) 716-8906 or you can access the chat room to ask questions.
December 1 – 5, 2008 – Please join me for my annual Holiday Workshop on the Paranormal Workshop group. This will be the third workshop I’ve presented on the list. This is a fun, informal, “ask me anything” five day event. I’ll be discussing and answering questions on a plethora of metaphysical, paranormal, psychic and mind/body/spirit topics. Every day I’m giving away five one question readings. Now, that doesn’t mean those are the only readings I’ll do. Last year I did between 70 and 100 free readings (I lost count). I believe that if I get an impression I should pass it along so I do. The workshop will start on Monday December 1, 2008 at 9:00 AM and run through Friday December 5th at 5:00 PM. The last questions must be posted by Noon on Friday December 5th so that I have time to answer. While the workshop usually runs later in the day on Friday, I try to finish it up by Friday night and no later than Saturday morning. I hope you can come join the fun. If you’re not a member of the Paranormal Workshop group yet just click here to join. There’s also a paranormal discussion group for those who like to discuss the paranormal.
December 14, 2008 – 8:00 PM Eastern Time – P.O.I.N.T. Paranormal Radio Show on WBZT 1230 AM. Listen live here. The call in number will be given during the show.
January 23, 2009 – 5:00 PM Eastern Time – Connecting The Light Radio Show – Call in numbers: Toll Free USA only 877-876-5227, Toll Free USA & Canada 888-815-9756, Direct Line 530-876-3222
More events are in discussions. I’ll post details as they are finalized.