Join me at Writerspace Tuesday night, January 16, 2007. I’ll be there with other Cerridwen Press authors promoting our releases. I’m giving away a digital copy of Night Visions when it is released this Thursday (January 18th). Visit Cerridwen Pressto get your copy!
I’ve just updated my website to include the RWA conference I’m attending in February. I’m looking forward to traveling down to Miami and meeting fellow authors, agents and editors. If you’re attending the Fun In The Sun Conference hosted by the Florida Romance Writers RWA Chapter send me an email.
I’ve also set up a new page at AuthorsDen.comwhere readers can connect with me. While doing this I realized that I really need to take a new picture. LOL My hair isn’t that light anymore. The Florida sun was drying it out so I darkened it and it’s much longer now. I think I’ll try to have another one taken this week.
I’ve been working hard on Flatrock Creek and am happy to say that I’m down to the final chapters. I went through it during the past week to jot down all story questions so that I make sure I don’t leave my readers hanging at the end. I polished as I worked so the majority of the book is ready for submission. My goal is to complete it this week and get it out to the requesting editor early next week. Then, I can reopen my clairvoyant site to all of my clients who have also been patiently waiting for me to finish this book. Next on the agenda I have two projects going on at the same time – finishing Enchanted Visions for submission to Cerridwen Press and writing an anthology submission.
Today we’re off to the South Florida Fair. It’s a yearly event that we take our kids too and I’m looking forward to the cotton candy. 😉
Until next time.